The French 75

The French 75 is a Champagne- gin cocktail that is rumored to have gotten its start at a Parisian bar in 1915. The story goes that the bartender ran out of club soda when he was making gin highballs, and substituted Champagne instead. His new drink had such a kick, the local soldiers named it… Continue reading The French 75

Categorized as Recipes

Spiced Rum Banana Bread

You know what’s better than freshly baked banana bread? Freshly baked spiced rum banana bread. That’s right- richly flavored banana bread chock full of walnuts gets an extra kick of flavor with the help of our friend the Captain. It’s perfect for breakfast or a mid afternoon snack and I guarantee the whole family will… Continue reading Spiced Rum Banana Bread

Categorized as Recipes

Master Bedroom Flip

When we first moved into our current house, about 7 years ago, i was drawn into the coziness of the cottagey (not a word, but we’re making it one) feel that the smaller rooms and lower ceilings created. The colors were darker than what we had in our townhouse, but warm and neutral, and they… Continue reading Master Bedroom Flip

Categorized as Recipes

Hello 2019!

So after a brief break from blogging I’m back, and here’s a quick rundown of my life since my last post in April (I can’t believe it’s been that long!) I’ve managed to keep a tiny human alive for a year! That’s right, Torin’s First Birthday was last Thursday and we had a great party… Continue reading Hello 2019!

DIY Nursery Art

I noticed about a month ago that Torin’s nursery was looking a little plain. We had our elephant parade wall decals up from Target, but everything in there just looked a little too matching… elephant sheets, elephant mobile, elephant baskets, you get the idea. The overall color scheme of the nursery is mint and gray… Continue reading DIY Nursery Art

Tips for Inducing Labor at Home

Even though I’ve only had one baby, I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that every pregnant woman reaches a point where they just-want-it-out…like yesterday. For me , that point was about one week before my due date. I couldn’t handle the sleepless nights, the constant back pain, puffy feet, and all the other strange… Continue reading Tips for Inducing Labor at Home

Categorized as baby

Top 5 Baby Products I Couldn’t Live Without (and one I swore I’d never buy, but did)

Preparing for a new baby is stressful, especially when you start the baby registry process because the plethora of baby products on the market today is a bit ridiculous. Marketing execs for baby product manufacturers must have a fun job. Those ladies and gents get paid to creatively promote some of the most absurd and… Continue reading Top 5 Baby Products I Couldn’t Live Without (and one I swore I’d never buy, but did)